Download repton 3
Save the zip file to your computer, unzip it, run it!
The zip file is ~300kb and includes two levelsets easy.rls and main.rls
I would love to get some feedback from you, if you've tried repton 3. Why not drop me a line and let me know what you think.Other levelsets
Here are other levelsets which people have designed using the editor.... just 1 so far:
Download ''
names.rls was created by Peter McElwee. "Thanks for releasing Repton 3, have lots of fun but the wife isn't so pleased. Anyway have made two levels of my own, would be great to have your comments"
Download it, unzip it, place the rls file in your repton3\levelset directory alongside easy.rls and main.rls. Then start up repton3 and go to 'LOAD'
Anyone else got a levelset to share? contact me